Pyshic Medium Yolanta Meri

"... it was truly a beautiful and emotional evening for the both of us. ...Thank you."

– D.M, ON, Canada

Mediumship Readings

Mediumship Readings

$ 65 starting at
  • Money back guarantee *
  • Reading recorded and emailed to you
  • Daytime & evening appointments avaliable
  • Connect with your Spirit People and/or Pets in Spirit
  • Video chat and telephone options

Your Loved Ones in Spirit want to connect with you!

A lifetime of supernatural experiences has shown psychic medium  Yolanta Meri that our Loved Ones do NOT leave us after physical death. In fact, they become some of our biggest cheerleaders just beyond the veil of our physical  perception. They aren’t the only ones standing with us, we have an incredible team of beings of light who are here for us NOW too!

You are not bothering your Spirit Loved Ones. 

The Spirit World is excited to connect and remind you of the truth :

  • heaven is a real place;

  • they are healthy, vibrant, and happy;

  • you’re worthy of and deserving of a beautiful life;

  • they will always be here with you;

  • and goodness they LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

Good vibes ONLY!

Connecting with your Loved Ones in Spirit through a mediumship reading is done through sacred space where only the highest good and vibes can occur. If you’re looking to connect with funky energy, you’ll need to look somewhere else because this space is for love only!

The connection promise

Connecting with your Loved Ones in Spirit or your Spirit Team feels amazing but if you’re not feeling it within the first 10 minutes of your reading, that’s cool. Just let Yolanta Meri know. The reading will end and your money will be refunded. No hard feelings.

Connection is a celebration

Our Spirit Loved Ones are not in some far away place. They are walking with us – loving and supporting us on our journey. Mediumship is a wonderful celebration that allows your Loved Ones in Spirit connect with you in a beautiful, validating way.

Through years of experience, psychic medium Yolanta Meri has come to believe that Spirit Loved Ones want you to know that you are still connected to you. They want you to know how much you mean to them. They want you to know that they are with other Loved Ones and that they are happy.

Psychic Medium Yolanta Meri‘s readings have been described as very detailed in describing Spirit’s appearance, personality, and shared memories. As a psychic medium and empath, Yolanta Meri uses her strongly developed clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairsentience (clear feeling), claircognizance (clear knowing), clairaudience (clear hearing) to blend with the energy of your Loved Ones and communicate their loving, validating, healing messages to you.

There may be some laughs, tears and smiles as you connect with your Loved Ones. Spirit is amazing. Connection is beautiful.

Before you book

Mediumship is about receiving the healing, love, and validation that we need. 

Spirit has a plan for our time together. During a reading, we generally hear from who we really hoping to hear from, however, no medium can guarantee that a particular spirit will come through during a reading. 

Please come with a genuine desire to connect, and an open heart and mind to hear from whomever does come through and the messages they have
to give

"[Yolanta] went through details that no one except me could have known."
Caledon, ON